Married Guy’s Guide to Great Sex, G. Lee Griffith, Ph. D.


This Graphics in this Presentation are rated: G

Married sex is unquestionably faithful

•     Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. Hebrews 13:4 (New International Version)

Characteristics of Great Sex

•     Loving / Courteous / Woman centered / Flexible / Creative / Frequent / Sacred-


•     Make love—don’t have sex

•     Personal

•     Your spouse preferences

•     “Do you think guys “get” that for women the cuddling and snuggling can be just as important to them as ejaculation is for the guys?”


•     Critical to most women

•     Best way to stay in touch.

•     Kiss when you

–   Get up / Leaving

–   Return  / After praying over food

–   Before saying good night


•     Showers & shave please

•     Words you use

•     Full attention---no TV.

•     Non-demanding

–   Never any pressure

–   Only do what she wants to do.

•     Thanks the next day

Women Centered

•     Relationship oriented

•     Respect differences--

•     How Long?

•     Women’s Preferences

•     Don’t Grab

–   Men like to grab

–   Think it shows passion

–   Most women do NOT like to be grabbed

–   Off limits while cooking or washing dishes—even if most tempting.

–   Even better help

Needed vs. Cherished

•     Men are motivated by feeling needed

•     So they pursue by expressing need.

•     Women are put off by this—they are repulsed by needy men

•     Women are motivated by cherished.

–   Connected / Affirmed

Time Gap

•     More time between occasions of making love

–   Women want more time and connection

–   Men want quick release.

Setting up the Occasion for Her

•     For him

–   Being clean / Being groomed

–   Attentive

•     For her

–   Rested / No stress

–   No demands

–   Peace in relationship

–   Assure her of her attractiveness

–   Assure privacy

–   Conversation

–   Compliments

–   For a wife to feel understood (on almost any issue) helps her feel ready for sexual intimacy?

–   Gifts--

Romance 101

•     Says “I Love You”.

•     Is not expected.

•     Is not necessary.

Romantic Gifts

•     Perfume / Basket of fruit

•     Scented soap for the bath

•     Bubble bath / Bath oil-

Romantic Gifts

•     Scented candles

•     Wild flowers you pick your self

•     Mushy card

•     Matching coffee cups

•     Negligee

•     Poem you wrote yourself-

•      “For him to assertively expect the kids to obey and respect his wife is a big turn-on for her” 




•     Hours not minutes

•     Lots of planning

•     Lots of Talk / Cuddling

•     Relaxed Lovemaking

•     Afterglow

•     Richness for 1X per month

Hearty Home-style

•     Warm and active / Mutual

•     Healthy / Nourishing

•     Weekly--

Fast Food

•     Fun

•     Not long-term healthy

•     Boring as a steady diet

•     Use as an add-on not a regular meal--

Freedoms for Marital Sexuality

•     Freedom of When

–   Evening / Middle of the night

–   Morning / Afternoon Delight

–   Vacations

–   Saturday Afternoons with the kids at the park with a baby-sitter-

•     Freedom of Where

–   Every room (except closets)

–   Before a roaring fire

–   Under the Christmas tree

–   Motel and home by midnight

–   Kids at slumber parties

–   Anywhere: privacy, security, romance-

•     Freedom of How

–   Positions

–   With and without clothes

–   Alternatives-

•     Freedom of Who

–   Joyful / Playful

–   Sacred / Celebration-

•     Variety is the spice of life

•     Too much spice and all you get is indigestion.

Bedroom Atmosphere

•     Privacy / Sight / Sound / Smell

•     Touch-

•     Bedroom Atmosphere: Privacy

•     Master bedroom isolated

•     Lock on door

•     Phone ringer off-

•     Bedroom Atmosphere: Sight

•     Dimmer Switch-

•     Bedroom Atmosphere: Sight

•     Colored light / Candles

•     Plants

•     Wood beamed ceiling

•     Mirror tiles

•     Four-poster canopy bed

•     Black sheets-

•     Bedroom Atmosphere: Sound

•     Stereo / Radio

•     Should turn off automatically-

•     Bedroom Atmosphere: Smell

•     Incense / Scented Candles

•     Perfume on incandescent light bulb

•     Perfume or powdered sheets-

•     Bedroom Atmosphere: Touch

•     Satin sheets / Fur bedspread

•     Waterbeds-


•     70% Christian couples make love between 1-3 times per week.

•     Too little or too much is a problem

•     Find your balance

•     Barriers to Great Sex

•     Anger / Insensitivity

•     Selfishness / Tiredness

Total Fulfillment

•     Only in the presence of God.

•     This life is a journey not a destination

•     Be grateful for the joy this live gives not frustrated by what is only possible in heaven.


•     Penner, C. L., & Penner, J. J. (1997). Men and sex: Discovering greater love, passion, & intimacy with your wife . Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.

•     Gries, J., & Gries, C. (2005). Sex 101: Over 350 creative ways to a godly, loving pleasurable marriage. Garland, TX: Hannibal Books.

•     Penner, C., & Penner, J. (1994). 52 ways to have fun, fantastic sex: A guidebook for married couples. Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

•     Hart, A. D., Weber, C. H., & Taylor, D. L. (1998). Secrets of Eve: Understanding the mystery of female sexuality. Nashville: Word.

•     Kaplan, H. S. (1989). How to overcome premature ejaculation. New York: Brunner/Mazel.