Credits and Copyrights

Thanks to Jonathan Brooks for the idea of including music linked to the feelings.

Revised from

Hutchins, D.E., Vaught, C.C. (1997) Helping Relationships and Strategies (3rd. ed.) Brooks/Cole: New York, Page 72

And from

Robert Bolton,(1979) People Skills. New York: Simon & Schuster,  page 94.

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Portion of images (c)1998 Janet Carder.

(c) Christie's Images Ltd. 1999.

Portions of content (c) 2001 Corbis Images. Digital image content

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Some of the Clip art images contained herein were obtained from IMSI's MasterClips/MasterPhotos(r) Collection, 1895 Francisco Blvd. East, San Rafael, CA 94901-5506 USA.

Licensed under U.S. Patent No. 4,558,302 and foreign counterparts.

Portions hereof (c)LEAD Technologies, Inc. 1991-2000, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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This product incorporates C-Index/II by Trio Systems.