Crossing Points: Psychology and Theology Psyc 3600 01 031 5030

Three Semester Hours Semester 1, 2003-2004 G. Lee Griffith, Instructor

Phone: Office 4474; Secretary 4470, (no calls at home before 8 AM or after 9:30 PM or on Sunday, please)


Note: The day the talks in this class will be presented is Monday December 8th. You are to reserve all of the time between 6pm and 10 pm on that day. If you are unable to make this commitment please drop the class immediately.



In this class, it is up to the student to take responsibility to set and pursue his own goals for learning.  The instructor is available as one of many possible resources to assist in this process.   The instructor have set up one systems for evaluation but it  is the student's responsibility to see to it that s/he decides what and how things are to be learned.


The class is divided into two sections. Tuesday’s class will be spent preparing the class paper and presentation by practicing the skills specified in the objectives. Thursday’s class will be lecture and discussion on topics determined by the instructor.


Late Work

Students turn in work late for many reasons, some excusable and some not.  Developing responsible attitudes toward planning and preparation of work are part of the objectives of this course.  Consequently it is the student's responsibility to turn in all work at the beginning of the class at which it is due. The following exceptions will be considered:


"I left it in the dorm"--The work will be accepted until 4 PM of the day due with no penalty if the reason is clearly marked on the assignment.  Each instance uses 1 late work point.

"I have been under tremendous emotional stress"--The assignment will be accepted until the last regular class day for 80%. Each instance uses 1 late work point.

"I have been sick (but not to the hospital)." No penalty but uses 1 late workpoint.

"I have been to the doctor, hospital or funeral." The student should bring: a note from physician, hospital bracelet or obituary as the excuse.  Under these circumstances the work can be made up with no penalty. The schedule should be arranged with the instructor.


After the student accumulates 2 late work points no further late work will be accepted for credit.  Save your late work points you may get sick and need them. No work can under any circumstances be accepted after the last regular class before the exam week.



Each student is responsible to submit one question at the beginning of each class (excluding test days). These questions are to pertain either the prior class or to the readings done to prepare for that day's class.



Students should before the second class send an email from your preferred email account to with 3600 in the Subject line.

It is expected that students will check their email account each day.

The wearing of hats in the classroom is not allowed during exams.

 "Students having special problems that might affect their performance in class should notify the instructor during the first week of school. Possible arrangements can be made to work closely with the Learning Center, a tutor, or special time provided by the instructor."


Student attendance in this class is critical because the class does not consist primarily of material to be memorized but skills to be practiced.  It is not fully possible for the student to practice these skills or demonstrate mastery of these skills without class attendance and participation.


During the presentation portion of the course attendance at this class takes precedence over all other college activities. Your presence at these class periods either as a presenter or a participant is required.  To be present as a presenter and then to be absent when other students are presenting is rude and presumptuous.  Missed work in these classes cannot be made up and the student will receive a grade of zero.  Sickness to the degree that you are confined to bed and death of an immediate family member are the only exceptions.


During other class sessions that do not involve student presenting responsibilities absences are permitted up to the total number of times the class meets per week (ex. Two absences per semester if the class meets twice per week, one absence per semester if the class meets once per week). If the absence is due to a scheduled activity the work for that class period should be submitted in advance with no penalty.  If the work is turned in late, the rules under late work apply. Students who miss a test without an obtaining an excuse in advance will not be allowed to make it up.  Make up test may at the instructor’s discretion be different in style and requirements than tests given at the regular time. Absences beyond those allowed by faculty policy will be penalized at seven per cent of the total points per day.



1. Engage in guided library research.

2. Express ideas orally and in writing.

3. Think through the methodologies of Science and Theology.

4. Examine specific content areas.


1. Brainstorming

2. Library Use

3. Problem selection and definition.

4. Writing objectives.

5. Concordance study skills.

6. Biblical Passage study skills.

7. Literature review.

8. Survey Design and administration

9. Report writing: outlining and documentation

10. Presentation Skills: visuals, humor, speech.

11. Computer Use: word-processing, data base use, library search techniques.